Love Is Blind’s Ashley Adionser announced that she is leaving her husband Tyler and some fans are celebrating. But some are not cheering because she left a toxic marriage, they are celebrating because they were right and that is wrong.
In season 7 of Love Is Blind, Ashley Adionser and Tyler Francis became the breakout stars—for all the wrong reasons. Hopeful fans predicted that would be the golden couple of season 7, but as the episodes went on, viewers quickly learned that all that glitters isn’t gold. Social media detectives quickly dredged up Tyler’s questionable past, which included scamming former lovers and abandoning his children.
After the show aired in October 2024, Ashley went on a press tour defending her husband’s despicable behavior and her marriage. Three months later, the 32-year-old told People Magazine that she had decided to end her marriage to Tyler Thee Scammer.
“While I had hoped for mutual understanding and transparency in our relationship, it has become clear that our paths are no longer aligned, making it impossible for me to continue in this marriage,” she told the outlet.
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Understandably, some feel vindicated especially after Ashley called us single, bitter haters who only want her to share in our misery. But are the laughing emojis and “ I told you so’s” necessary? Let’s unpack.
We watched in horror as Tyler played in Ashley’s face in the most diabolical ways. Internet detectives dug up Tyler’s questionable past, which included a few lawsuits. But what was most concerning is that the father-of-three failed to mention his children until after he was engaged to Ashley. In episode nine, Tyler told his soon-to-be-wife that he was a sperm donor, painting himself as a hero who helped a couple fulfill their dreams of parenthood. He also claimed that his children didn’t know what he looked like. However, several photos of him and his children circulated on social media. Bri Thomas, the mother of Tyler’s children, came forward with receipts, including text messages, court documents, and birth certificates that proved that Tyler was full of shit.
When the show’s reunion aired last fall, we assumed Ashley had learned about her man’s deceptive ways and dropped him like a hot potato. However, Sis revealed that she and Tyler were still going strong. She quickly clapped back at her online critics, accusing them of being lonely, single, bitter women who wanted her to suffer the same fate.
@sallyallure I hope she finds better though #loveisblind ♬ original sound – YT & IG: Sallyallure
We collectively cringed when she supported her husband in abandoning his children, even with clear evidence that he was more than a sperm donor. We side-eyed the fuck out of her when she appeared on podcasts, regurgitating her man’s lies while he seemed to have disappeared from the public eye. When former lovers accused Tyler of swindling them out of money, Ashley chose to believe her man over the public court records. Social media users didn’t respond favorably to Ashley’s actions.
@_iamjamila And i meant every word. Now please dont tag me in nothing else they say!! #loveisblind ♬ original sound – Jamila Bell
One thing about Black women reality show fans, we are protective of our sisters. Especially because these shows have a history of placing Black women in the shittest situations possible for entertainment. We wanted to save Ashley from possible emotional abuse and public shame. In response, Ashley was egregious, bypassing clear evidence to attack the messengers who only tried to look out for her best interest. It was evident that her defensiveness was because she wanted to prove others wrong. It was clear that Ashley badly wanted to be married. In the show’s first episode, the ambitious 32-year-old vehemently declared she would be one of the contestants who would get and stay married. She was determined to do so, even if it meant existing in a bubble of delusion.
But instead of gloating at her public humiliation, we can embrace our niece and hold her accountable with love. Because, let’s be honest, many of us have fallen flat on our faces when we refused to listen to our mamas, aunties, grandmothers, and besties’ advice, particularly regarding men. Thankfully, most of us didn’t have to take our Ls in public while millions watched.
We hope this marriage has taught Ashley some important lessons and that she will make healthier decisions in the future. Most importantly, we hope she knows it is best to listen to her aunties because AUNTIE has seen some things, AUNTIE knows some things and in most cases, AUNTIE will never steer her wrong.
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