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Algernod Lanier Washington, famously known as Plies, made a thoughtful and public appeal to women on social media. He made it clear that he doesn’t want ladies to take on a tough persona or even the stereotypical trope of being a “strong woman,” especially women he engages with. 

The Florida-bred rapper invited both women and men to the Instagram conversation as he emphatically stated, “I don’t want you to be strong … or feel the need to be tough around me.” 

Plies made a point of leaning into chivalry as he explained the reasoning behind his statement, expressing that women should feel safe in his hands as he considers the gesture a duty and responsibility of his manhood. 

“I feel like if you feel the need to be tough around me and feel like you have to be strong around me, then I feel like I failed you as a man.” Plies said. 

“Let me be strong for us. I wanna be strong for us. Let me be tough for us because I need you to be as vulnerable as you choose to be, want to be, or need to be and you know for a fact that I won’t take advantage of your vulnerability.”

Instagram user @misskredman1913 commended Plies on his evolution: “The growth & maturity I have seen from Plies these past few years has been such a 6,481 joy to watch. Thank you black man!”


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Plies, once known for Hip-Hop songs such as “Becky” and “Ms. Pretty Pussy” has become quite the advocate for women over the years. He was team VP Kamala Harris throughout the 2024 presidential campaign. The influential rapper used his voice and Instagram platform to lambast the now president-elect, in favor of rallying around the possibility of having the first Black woman president while informing people of Harris’s policies.

Plies’ feel-good commentary comes at a time when Black women have experienced the antithesis of safety in their relationships and as the targets of male ire and incel rage across social media which contributes to why they find themselves in a constant state of being “strong” and “tough” just to protect their bodies and their peace. 

@djronlove agreed, commenting, “Too many men act like women. So women are forced to act like men.”

Proof that a lack of safety and sensitivity exists exponentially for Black women is found in the rate of intimate partner violence which impacts more than 40% of us. And despite the online bullying and harassment spewed at Black women, Plies’ messaging is welcoming. 

“This is refreshing to hear,” Claudia Jordan commented on the post. “I wish more men thought like this because no woman is strong cause she WANTS to. She’s that way cause she’s HAD to against her will.”

Instagrammer @delcarmen75 responded, “I have one question- where is the sign up sheet for this life of softness and vulnerability? Cause I’m happy to volunteer.”

@janeanluvsatl wrote: “This is what Black Women need. a soft safe place to land. And when you find the men who think like you do, tag them. This mindset is few and far between coming from men. Go ahead and lead them, Plies.” 

Plies a damn hilarious figure on Instagram. He brings an air of humor and delight to the often toxic and contentious space. Oftentimes, he is introspective and keeps it one hundred—and every now and then, he drops a gem. 

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