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Plants are not only a budget-friendly way to beautify your living space, but they can also help to improve your overall health. They can filter out airborne toxins, improving the air quality in your home. 

They can help increase humidity by releasing moisture, which can do wonders for dry skin and  respiratory issues.

Greenery helps reduce stress and anxiety by turning your home into a private oasis. 

Are you interested in plant parenting but don’t know where to start? Do you manage to merk every plant you come in contact with? Have no fear, AUNTIE is here with a five easy-to-care for plants that are perfect for the inexperienced plant parent. 



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This fast-growing, adaptable plant seems to flourish in almost any environment. The pothos can handle low light to bright indirect sunlight which make it a good fit for almost any part of your home. The heart-shaped leaves come in several variations including the Marble Queen which is a cream-colored leaf with speckles of green. With its vibrant green or yellow leaves, the neon pothos can brighten up a room.  


Allow the soil to completely dry out before watering which will be about every one to two weeks, depending on the environment. The beauty of the pothos is that she will let you know when she’s thirsty. When her leaves start to droop, sis needs a drink of water. 

Warning : The pothos leaves are poisonous to pets, so keep them away from your furry friends. 

Capensis Ruby Necklace

The ruby necklace or the string of rubies is part of the succulent family. With its purplish string-like stems and plump elongated leaves, this ravishing plant is likely to be the star of your plant collection. Like her cactus cousin, the Ruby Necklace is a low-maintenance sun-loving beauty that is also able to thrive in lower-lit environments. 


Place Your Ruby Necklace in an area that gets lots of sunlight and water  every other week. Sister Ruby has no problem telling you what she needs, her leaves should be firm, if they become soft or wrinkly, ol’ girl needs a drink.


The Snake Plant


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Not only is this plant durable but it’s damn near impossible to destroy.With over 70 species, beginner- friendly succulent comes in various sizes, shapes and colors. So you can have several snake plants in the same space, and still have variety.


This beauty likes indirect sunlight but it thrives in low light as well. The tropical plant loves humidity but be careful not to overwater. 

“Typically, snake plants are in jeopardy of being over-watered rather than under-watered,” Kaylyn Hewitt, a floral designer at Bouqs told Real Simple “A good cadence is once a week during the warmer months and up to once every two weeks in the colder months.


The Money Tree


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With its “braided” trunk and thick dark leaves, the money tree is not only aesthetically pleasing, but it’s easy to care for. This popular plant is also believed to attract good luck and prosperity. The Money Tree is native to South and Central America and prefers bright, indirect sunlight for at least 4 hours a day.


Water your tree every one to two weeks, To avoid overwatering, make sure to allow at least two inches of soil to dry out. This beautiful piece of greenery loves humidity, so it will thrive if you give it a mist every few days. The ASPCA determined the money to be safe for most pets.


Rubber Tree 

Add a pop of color to your plant collection with the rubber tree. With its thick dark green and purple waxy leaves, the rubber tree is sure to add some razzle-dazzle to your home. 

This attractive plant will thrive in warm, humid conditions with bright, indirect light. Water your plant when the top of the soil feels dry, which is usually about once a week. The glossy leaves  can accumulate dust, so give them a wipe down with a wet damp cloth to maintain their glow. 


If you are still unsure of which plants are right for you, speak to an expert. Planting with P is an online plant store that offers online consultations to help you find the right foliage for your home and lifestyle. 


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Happy planting, aunties.

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